I Love looking at people’s bookshelves. And even when you THINK you know what you’ll find, you still can got caught off guard. You know how it is… Milo and Otis, The Bear (probably the 1988 feel-good movie about a lost bear cub?) aaaaand Basic Instinct.Well, it’s like Tucker’s trolling his fanbase, trying to see how ridiculous he can get. “Can I get really partisan?” [Fox viewership] “Hell yeah!” “How about some hate speech calling for violence in America?!?” “WE’RE HERE FOR THAT!!!!” “How about blatant racism, hate speech and undermining any semblance of truth in reporting?” “MOAR PLEEEZE!!!” “Whelp, I got nothin. Bridge in Brooklyn for sale? Cattle mutilations and the truth behind them?” “PLEEEZE TAKE OUR MONEY!!!!” Sigh.
None too late we rolled into Glastonbury CT last night and spent a Lovely evening at Kristen’s mom’s house. An early dinner, an early night. We tuned into Live from the Lair, I took LOTS OF BIRD VIDEO and we had just an incredibly relaxed evening.
Now… if I could only stay away from social media!
Nice and slow morning, but not TOO slow, because I want to make sure we time things right for going over and visiting Dave Anderson. The former owner of Victoria Station Cafe is apparently absolutely up to no good, creating a new home for his culinary experiments, now in the form of a boozy ice cream shop. This man’s genius knows no ends.
Anywho, I can’t be stopped. I’m still clamping my cellphone to all sorts of weird perches and still shooting video of birds. Can’t be stopped. Too much joy.
And then tonight… Music Alley!
Birdz birdz birdz.Yes, I moved the mug tree around and hunted down this mug because all I want is snow.Shirley’s gardens are bountiful…Drivin’ drivin’/Yup, so Victoria Station is no more.Fortunately we still Love this place… and just down the road…Dave made us ice cream and cookies!!!
After we were done having fun it was time to get down to the serious business of the day! Rolling into Bridgewater, MA and playing Music Alley! Many thanks to Ellen Snyder for capturing our joy!
Music Alley! Appropriately named!Then we went home with a new friend and stayed in a wonderfully whimsical home and played dog guitar. SO MUCH DOG GUITAR!!!