October 14th found ilyAIMY joined by Jeff Miller at an American Legion in Bethesda, MD. We really didn’t know what we were getting into, but then found ourselves having a fabulous time. A LOT of that had to do with jamming with the fabulous Jeff Miller. Gosh that man doth know his shit. And by “shit” I mean… like… ALL the chords.
Jeff continues to simply be one of the most mind-blowing players, not just with his creative looping, but with his undying dedication to CRAFT. This time around he stayed with us for most of the week and that always allows a bit more time to get to know one another. Like… now I know how he folds his laundry and pre-treats his shirts!

We would’ve been absolutely TERRIBLY college roommates.
Still, between the Lair and the show in Wheaton, we had a really exquisite time bouncing songs off one another and In the Water perhaps ALWAYS needs a reversed guitar track. None of us won the raffle, but the pineapple upside down cake was really… really… good.
Plus fruit = healthy, right?

Saturday night found me running sound and stream for FocusMusic’s presentation of Scott Cook with his “sweetheart” (read : bass player!) Pamela Mae! Running sound at Island Pride Oasis in Gaithersburg, MD is a little weird. Bass nodes and music from next door. But Scott and Pamela were compelling and smiling and great storytellers to boot.
Do I think Scott looks a little like Tom Waits to boot?
Yes. Yes I do.

Great performers, and a reminder that my tongue is NOT as agile as it once was. The precision with which he attacks his fast, clearly rap-influenced tunes is pretty stunning. Additionally, they do a great job of delivering what FEELS like pre-written banter in a very genuine fashion. I get the impression that I’m watching a show that’s been performed a dozen times before (including canned responses to audience comments and birthday gurls) but it didn’t bug me the way it normally does. Perhaps cause it was simply executed SO well.
Bringing lights made all the difference, plus the speed of Island Pride’s internet, and I think the stream was one of my best. I’m dreading next weekend at Saint Aidan’s with poor light and TERRIBLY internet connectivity. I’m enjoying it while I can! (I’ve actually recently added a phrase in my contracts about how I will not be held responsible for poor internet connectivity… )