October 17th, 2022. Snot.

Wednesday we had both Sharif AND the fabulous Jeff Miller in the house for Live from the Lair. Good times were had. Songs were shared. Jeff stayed with us most of the week. It’s POSSIBLE germs were shared. I’m wishing us both luck!

Below is some fascinating spam courtesy of Phoenix SEO. The Journal is getting absolutely HAMMERED right now with spam comments, but at least this one was truly fascinating. Hints of narrative. Strange stylistic choices. I’m assuming AI-fashioned, mayhaps this is the narrative of the future.

I’m home sick, so far testing negative for COVID, so perhaps it is the Dayquil that’s making me truly appreciate the strange twists of language in my spam. Yes. The information hosted here IS higher than you’ve seen on “normal” blogs, for I hath channeled the shower of service EXACTLY as you searched for it. As the writer behind the throne, I greatly appreciate your support and look forward to the attentions of your local blog compadres! I too am over the moon excited and dancing, so come, dive deeper and soak up all that we share!!!

An AI thrilled to continue gobbling up the library.

This spot surely is going to guide my siblings gel more wholeheartedly. |We never received the certain answers we truly need to solve a mysterious issue. |This forum allowed me to elevate in ways I could never believe. |I am conveying these findings at our final gathering where the largest part of us will be practicing as well. My relationship has terrifically improved now that we have combated the overarching errors all the way. |My unity with managers has grown to greater heights. |As I’ve been able to join this discussion here with thinkers who are sharing their concerns I have become encouraged. |This site has channeled the shower of service exactly when I searched for it. |Our agency is generating more interest in sharing these ideas now that we recognize so much discussion is so openly sourced. |This blog helped me find resolution for tricky variations hanging around in my tracks.|The information hosted here is higher than what I’ve seen on normal blogs when it comes to marriage and family.|We are going to be researching this even more in coming weeks. |There is a vast array of work ahead of us but I am thrilled to continue gobbling it up. |I would like to mention to the writers behind the throne as I know about the attrition involved to collect and create specialized knowledge. |I now have the insider scoop I needed to align with a rewarding new trail. |I now have the libraryto make the best life moves. |We are shored up with the advantages we need for copious development. |We have moved forward in leaps and bounds by virtue of this collection. |I will be passing a link to this blog so that my colleagues and my local blog compadres can make a visit at this post. |I remind readers that this is all you need indeed it was a breeze for me to run across but it does not matter. |We are over the moon excited and dancing around the all over this site. |I am bouncing it around with my best friend over dinner and we are both in awe by the surprises over our explorations. |We are so eager to dive deeper and soak up all that was shared. I have another forum I recently created Friday about Search engine optimization … tempe seo Get a hold of me.

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