October 19th, 2022. SAW Showcase. FINALLY!!!

Rolling into Hank Dietle’s in Rockville, MD is usually an exercise in sonic defense as they’re usually rolling at the pain threshold for ye olde earballs. I was pleasantly surprised to walk in to this jazz quartet jamming practically-acoustically on the stage. Great playing, and great vibes. Literally. I don’t remember the last time I was in the presence of a vibraphone and not only did I really enjoy the sound, it was really cool to see how the thing was broken down and packed away to boot!

This show was meant to happen over the summer. Twice. And maybe even a third time. It kept getting canceled. Various reasons. I have Opinions on those reasons but I’m so glad it finally came to pass even though I remember parts of it with burning embarrassment… there’s something about these showcases in which I’m worried about alllll these different things and yet actually not in charge of any of those different things that absolutely eliminate my ability to remember lyrics.

Sound? Not my problem nor under my authority. COVID protocols? Same! Start time? I HAVE NO CONTROL!!!

I had no… control….

Still, it was an awful lot of fun. I really adore these people and there’s something about this crew, disparate as it is, that speaks to me. Even the coolest of these cool kids isn’t THAT cool and we’re all a little awkward. I really enjoyed putting us all together and winding it up and seeing where it will go.

Annette, truly finding her stride as a writer, easy going and elegant and yet despite all that grace the bartender will NOT allow her to have a drink on stage because she WILL knock it over. Ross with his strange depths of nerdery and intense vocabulary and earnest delivery. Emily with her healing heart and deep, deep anger, strange in her beauty and sadness. Gabrielle with her nervous persona, confident purpose and pop aesthetic. Me with my me-ness and deep, deep need to see in others things that probably aren’t even there.

Great crowd – that happy level of audience that I’m aiming for right now – not empty by any stretch but not so packed as to make me feel viscerally uncomfortable.

Oh – ha – and context – so everyone but me is on the board for FocusMusic (of which I’m the Executive Director). Add in that 2 more members of the board came out to watch the show and damn we shoulda gone rogue and just made some Important Folk Decisions!!!

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