I SHOULD be writing lots of wonderful things about my strange little brother. He’s the smart one. And the hot one. E’rbody says so. He’s off in Brussels so he’s not hear to deny it. But alas, he’s in Brussels so I’m not doing birthday things, I’m doing OTHER things. Like running a webstream for a Welsh band in Alexandria, VA and interviewing Persian historians in Farsi.

Below, there be no rest for the wicked. Not even for the moderately-wicked (like me). This morning saw me racing on down to Rockville to interview this man about his knowledge of the history of Persia. Unbeknownst to me, the entire interview was in Farsi and I have NO idea what was said.
They teased me that this was gonna get me on government watchlists. I assured them that they probably couldn’t do any damage I hadn’t done myself.