November 17th, 2022. The Enemy.

I’ve got to admit. I follow Fox News. I don’t watch it. No. Don’t be silly. That’d be like running around my kitchen floor and sticking my tongue under the oven. Who knows WHERE that’s been or what I’d catch.

But I go to their website every once in a while. I used to use Incognito Mode because I didn’t want their kitchen floor cookies, but I’m a little less cautious nowadays simply because tracking cookies never DO quite know what to make of me.

And I try NOT to think of it as “what is the enemy thinking” – but I must admit – it is an exercise in patience.

Today when I checked in I noticed they had a headline about how Joe Biden had left the G20 suddenly – and this is par for the course – they didn’t express alarm that the President had left the conference, they didn’t wait on their headline to figure out why.. they ran with a headline implying that he was fatigued.

I wish I’d screenshotted it.

Because if they’d waited an hour they’d have found out that he took a call with the president of Poland because, oops, some of Russia’s missiles have crossed the border into NATO territory and while TECHNICALLY potentially finally literally crossed the line into involving the United States in a shooting war with Russia.

So that phone call was kind of important.

And Fox News uses it for cheap political points.

… I swear… If *I* was in charge…

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