Happy Sunday! I went to bed last night, satisfied with what felt like a very busy week, excited about the idea of a day off, woke up this morning and foolishly got sucked into Instagram-scrolling, and instantly felt like taking a day-off would probably ruin my productivity.
That being said, I’m pretty sure I’m going to take most of the day off!

I’ve got Christmas music playing in the background, my Lair is cozy, I’m wearing thick socks and the cat’s happily ensconced watching birds out the front window. A welcome change from his recent careful stake out of the television. We played the wrong video a couple of days ago and now he’s OBSESSED with the mice that MUST be Living in the TV. I’m worried because we were also watching a little battle scene last night with lots of little running people and Prince seemed JUST as interested… and if he goes from associating big mice with little people, and then little people with REAL people… well, down that path lies the craving of human flesh.

One must be wary of the beest.
Last night I ran stream and sound for FocusMusic, for a duo called the Rough and Tumble, who I’ve now encountered about 4 times at various conferences. I think it was the first time I got to see more than a 20 minute set and it was quite wonderful. Mallory’s sense of humour matches mine closely, Scott’s guitar playing is a joy, and they never really get DOUR. Most of my Life is set to the soundtrack of people playing something DOUR. It’s not something that bugs me – I play plenty of dour music. But it WAS a welcome shift.
I think the only thing that kept it from being an unqualified JOY was a customer on the backend of the stream who was upset that they couldn’t attend the concert sending over a dozen emails AND commenting on social media that she’d bought the wrong ticket and now she can’t get the RIGHT ticket and she’d like a refund and she needs a refund NOW and how long will it be till she gets her REFUND… sigh. If she’d kept reading her ticket she’d have seen she bought the right ticket.
I just don’t get my species. One’s never worried about being wary of MY beest. I need phone spiders to send unto the dissatisfied and whiny.
Anywho. Relaxed day today. This is ignoring the fact that next week’s extremely busy. Shh. Don’t tell Today rob what Tomorrow rob is facing. It’ll only upset him.