December 6th, 2022. Open Spark with Ruthie Logsdon.
Today, before my open mic, it was time to get Checked OUT. My doctor has just moved into a new office in Catonsville, MD and previous physician’s art is still on the walls. Recognizing the flag and with me running early and my doctor running late, I spent a lot of time reading about controversial Polish battles trying to guess why this crazy battle scene was hanging up in doctor’s office. The previous doc was Polish and quite proud of his heritage, but it’s still a weird amount of wild-eyed frenzy to hang out with in preparation for being told that you don’t sleep enough, exercise enough, or take good enough care of your mental health. I mean… I think I see it all in this painting already…I had NOT idea what THIS painting was about but I had plenty of time to think. After the doctor’s appointment I went out and my car didn’t start. After getting a jump I wandered on down route 40 to get my battery replaced at a local spot, listening to a lot of random complaints about my now-historic Saturn often punctuated by “RICKY! YOU EVER SEEN ONE OF THESE??!?!” What vestiges I had left of feeling non-fossilized that my doctor had left me were slowly dismantled by walking through the under-the-hood deficits of my quarter-million mile car.
Every Tuesday at the Takoma Spark performance space at School of Musical Traditions (7112 Willow Ave., Takoma Park MD). Signup at 6pm, performances from 7-whene’r. Webcast Live on Facebook, YouTube and Twitch. There’s actually parking and a listening audience. Welcome to JOY in a small room in Takoma Park, MD!
Tonight we were joined by Susan Rowe, Joshua Lavender, Juels Bland, featured artist Ruthie Logsdon (of Ruthie and the Wranglers), Brian, Maureen Andary (Sweater Set) and Ethan Mendick.
I’m hoping the night picks up but I’m not too worried about it yet. I like the sound of the room and the look of it works when the lighting’s right. It was cool to hear Ruthie sans band though we both relate to missing the rest of the SOUNDS in our head!
Featured artist Ruthie Logsdon.A Lovely night with friends – l-r Susan Rowe, Ruthie Logsdon, Josh Lavender, Dave Eisner, Kristen Jones, Maureen Andary et moi.