Happy Monday? Didn’t sleep last night. There’s been a couple of those recently. The news gets on top of me, the times, the Lives, the deaths. Losing Richard McMullin and playing New Deal Café. Friends losing parents, missing my dad, worrying about my mom (nothing specific there, don’t worry). Hearing about extended family doing well. Hearing that extended family isn’t REALLY doing well. Re-reading Neuromancer in 2022 and knowing it all only gets worse. Not being able to decide if my 5am worries are too much coffee or not enough and knowing for a FACT that I’m doing anything with all my slowly vanishing time.
The urge to waste it. The urge to kill it. It stays strong.
My eyes were pulsing and fuzzy yesterday after doing too MUCH while feeling I’m doing too little. And yet all of this in the aftermath of the New Deal Café show which was wonderful and with the excitement of a jam packed jam of a Live from the Lair on Wednesday. I Love playing with my friends. And have very, very, very little interest in doing anything else.

Bugging clients to get their tax situations settled early in 2023 so I can get my tax situation settled early in 2023 so that I can get my house situation settled. For better or for worse. But then does my tax situation settle my housing situation only to upset my health insurance situation? I know its ALL screwing with my MENTAL health situation.
There’s a whole lot of should and should NOT in the world. And it certainly feels like, as a Living, breathing, feeling human, I should NOT have to worry about health and the cost of it. Or of the minimal worries of keeping a roof over my head. Like, we’re fragile little bags of meat and water and shouldn’t not getting a hole pricked in us or our limbs crushed by automobiles or watching our cells for sudden uncontrolled growth – don’t we have ENOUGH to worry about just being organic transient THINGS? No… we’ve created a system to add to our stress and so we worry about the stresses bodies and minds and species place on us only AFTER we worry about the stresses that our politics and social systems and economy and environment place on us. Truly, I’m last in line for me.

Housing prices are stalling because mortgage prices are falling because housing prices were high because interest rates were high. Inflation is falling but only because gas prices are falling which has nothing to do with how The Fed tried to solve inflation. Inflation won’t fall at its core till some people lose their jobs because the REAL problem is that too many people can too affordably afford too many things and there aren’t enough things to go around?
If the root of the problem with the system is that too many people are doing okay, we’ve got the wrong system.
But we’ve known THAT for a while now.
Below – Saturday night t’was time for our last full-band show of the year. ilyAIMY at the New Deal Cafe in Greenbelt, MD having a joyous night. I don’t know that I ever remember the square being decorated for Christmas, and I adore it. It was a fantastic night, and honestly the best sound I’ve run at New Deal (at least for a while). Great show.