I’m stuck at home and I hate it. It’s grey, I hear a little bit of rain – just enough that it sounds like it’s snowing – but it’s grey and it’s miserably and I’m cold and I’m stuck inside and I hate it.
Tuesday night I ran my open mic and it had it’s ups and downs (but mostly ups) – but I came home to a grim-looking wife saying she wasn’t feeling too well, and the next morning she tested positive for COVID.
Now, to be clear, she’s doing okay. It’s now Sunday morning, and it’s never gotten past a “rough cold” stage. Frankly is sitting mostly in the “mild cold” territory. But we’ve had two and a half years of visualizing what happens if one of us catches COVID and the other’s negative, and once my test was negative, we got to throw those plans into action. Kristen’s office chair goes UP the stairs, lots more hand-washing. Some more hand-wringing. She’s masked when she comes out of her room.

It’s been five days and she’s still testing positive, I’m still testing negative. So I guess we’re getting it right. But it’s DEFINITELY getting old.
I did Wednesday’s Live from the Lair solo. And that sort of made me sad, but it was also kind of exciting. It was the first solo-rob-Lair of the 149 Lairs to be perpetrated.
We didn’t go to Thursday’s practice. That made me sad. I LOVE playing with Heather and Kristen and Rowan – but adding Ayreheart to the mix and this is some of my favourite collaborating EVER and I want to be a part of it as thoroughly as I can. But I stayed home. Heather dropped off groceries in the afternoon and some cookies from Mattias’ wife in the evening and we stayed home some more.
We didn’t go to Friday’s lunch with Amy. Amy dropped off some delicious treats from a local bakery. Kristen can’t taste them.
We didn’t go to Matt Nakoa’s show on Saturday. Joey came over and recorded. Kristen greeted him, masked and from a distance. The basement is ours and Joey and I both tested negative this morning.
It’s Sunday morning and I have a stupid Zoom meeting tonight and I don’t want to go, but COVID only cancels the fun stuff.
And I have no right to be sad. We’re planning trips. Kristen’s participating fully in the Apocalypse two years after it was cool, but she’s doing so in about as safe and mild was as possible. I should be happy that I’m still evading it. We’re planning shows. The recordings are amazing. Good things are happening for my friends.
But I’m stuck at home and it’s grey and it’s not snowing and I hate it.