It’s good to be riding again. I ain’t driving. Don’t be silly.
I 95, the rhythm of pines, sun striking in golden slats betwixt the trees and Soundgarden on the stereo a half hour north of Richmond.
Plans have been forced to be fluid today, but they CAN be fluid cause the gig’s not till tomorrow. Tonight it’s dinner, friends, a cat that’s not ours, and mileage. Worse ways to spend a Friday certainly exist.
Tomorrow we play a friend’s birthday party, and then Sunday we play a friend’s house. It’s not the most strategic or financially rewarding weekend, but truly it’s good to be on the road as long as I can get past the engendered imposter feeling of Trip NOT Tour. We ain’t “doing it”, we’re just stretching.

A chocolate donut, good music, decent traffic and beautiful weather.
Worse ways to spend a Friday DEFINITELY exist.
The last time we made this drive, just over a year ago today, it was to help Kristen’s father through a particularly awful patch of Real Life. We wore masks and worried about the glares of those around us cause we’d heard stories about how those who believed in science we’re treated Down South.
Though pleasantly surprised by those interactions, otherwise the month in Georigia was spent being good caregivers and it was brutal, and a year ago today, sitting in Kristen’s dad’s Living room a watching the news, Putin invaded Ukraine. I expressed to everyone the hope that it was nothing to get excited about YET…. Maybe it’ll just be one of the bullshit weeklong squabbles like we see flare up in the Middle East… If nothing else Russia fields one of the biggest standing armies on the planet and even if they’re moving in to stay, it should’ve over quick.
But a year later, thousands dead, missiles flying everyday, it seems horribly naive that we still hope to not get drawn in to what could still flare into World War III.
And the war finds it’s way to us here at home. A show we’ll be producing is being derailed as the true colours of the artists slowly emerge… We’re ugly creatures.
About to cross the North Carolina line, I’ve purposely left my laptop at home, an experiment in detachment and doing what work I MUST on my phone.
Not a Tour. Just a Trip. And yeah, there are worse ways to spend a Friday.