I’m stressed about our house. About whether it will BE our house. About how it becomes our house. About whether or not our landlord will lose his patience with the whole process if there are further roadblocks.

I’m stressed about healthcare. About whether we’ll lose our health insurance. I’m stressed about bills, and Life, and whether my car will hold together for the foreseeable future. I’m stressed that my graphics card has shown signs of giving up the ghost and I’m stressed about simply showing up. I’m stressed about my HDMI cables working… or not. I’m stressed about how ilyAIMY.com sometimes slows down to impossible speeds and about whether our email server’s reputation dies a little every day because of where it’s housed, and I’m stressed about being trapped there.

I’m stressed that I still need to schedule a colonoscopy because I’m old, and I’m stressed about Monday’s show because too many things went wrong in the lead up and now we’re down to the wire with very few tickets sold, and I’m stressed about driving to New York and back within 24 hours of the Chords of Courage awards show next weekend which yes, is also stressing me out.
About half of the above will hopefully be settled in the next couple of weeks.
But over the next couple of weeks I guess I’m just gonna be stressed.
… a good way of dealing with stress. My friend Ana’s in town learning American glass-blowing techniques and I went to visit her at the studio she’s studying at... she’s learning how American glass-blowing is different from what she’s learning back in Sweden.