Things are coming to a head. There was a pseudo-climax this past weekend, racing up to New York for a show, racing back down – alllll the work for Chords of Courage culminating in the awards ceremony last night. And tonight the Three Year Anniversary of VOM, which feels like I should be able to make more of a party of than I mentally have space for.
We got mortgage pre-approval letters last week and that felt like a HUGE relief, but now it looks like things STILL can’t be locked in before rates go up AGAIN in the next couple of days and I feel like we’re fighting this losing battle against time and percentages.
Oh – and I prepurchased Diablo IV since it would let me play the Beta but I didn’t realize the Beta was like… just this weekend and then that’s it. Apparently the “pre-Beta” or whatever that I was able to play this morning was just for … this morning? Enough to whet my appetite for some mindless hack and slash (perfect for relaxing after a day of mortgage mind) in a stunningly beautiful environment but now it’s off till this weekend, and then it’ll be off again till June.

Heh, not that June isn’t actually a LOT closer than I think it is.
But I’m griping, and burying the lede, and doing all those things that bitching and moaning does which is to cover up true accomplishments and causes for optimism.
Kristen and I have been pre-approved for our mortgage! All the work we did with our taxes and changing up how we track everything and, quite frankly, putting in the work to earn more money last year has quite literally paid off! (actually, this may not be an occasion for saying “quite literally” since “literally” it just means we’re QUITE LITERALLY aiming to enter a contract QUITE LITERALLY stating we’ve got something that we have NOT paid off and, frankly, may not be paid off in my Lifetime, but there I go getting cynical about it all).

More importantly, it means that the major hurdle, the major obstacle of us staying in our house, hath been hurdled. There’s a lot of other stuff, but the big fear of a bank simply saying “we acknowledge that you exist but you continue to not be worth our time”, is no longer a factor.
For about 48 hours, that was a huge weight off our minds and we drove north to New York on Saturday morning feeling pretty good about ourselves.
But there’s something about the oppressiveness of that city that makes such lightness hard to maintain.

Brooklyn itself feels like what people are talking about when they talk about the vibrant LIFE of New York City. Not the high rises and glaring neon lights, video screens and trash, but towering churches and traffic signs, confusing parking and corner delis. And of course, a killer music scene.
I haven’t thought any of this through. I’m distracted and meandering.

And THEN we went to New York…