It’s always SOMETHING with me, isn’t it? Two weeks ago wind blew the power out. Last week everything was green. This week I forgot to bring a battery for my camera. S’truth. I’m just a wee robbish disaster!
In any case, tonight felt like we were back to our normal rhythms, plus or minus that battery (pauses to order spare batteries). Dalton was one of Dave’s picks, and as such I got to sit back and enjoy someone relatively new-to-me. We’d presented him over IMT : LIVE along with Heather and Rowan, so he’d seen fully a third of ilyAIMY perform. Tonight I got it up to one half, but he’ll never know.
We do this every Tuesday. Signup before 7. I start at 7. 7112 Willow Ave. in Takoma Park, MD. robsopenmics.ilyaimy.com for more information.
Tonight we were honoured to have me kick things off, then Jay Keating, Gino the Bard, Peggy Brennan, Richard Weil, Brian Higgins, Fudd Light, Ethan Mendick, Michael Gerber and Juels Bland.