Written for one of our VOM songwriting challenges… I think this was “a different success than you were planning”
Re: the weird illustrations. I’m enjoying adding Stable Diffusion graphics for things when I’m just brainstorming. Throwing it the word “flawless” returns a LOT of images of women in dresses. Interesting. Let it be known, according to next-gen AI, men can NOT be flawless.
I dreamt I’d wed a cellist
Smart and lithe and kind
She’d work her fingers to the bone
For a song
We’d meet some place mundane
And go some place exotic
And deep inside the dream
Our Lives were flawless
We’d run off on the royalties
run off with the nouveau rich
but ain’t Life a bitch
I still penny pinch
I can barely save a dime
I been rubbing up on poverty
like a cat who’s flirting hungrily
but deep inside the dream
our Lives were flawless
Steady on
Winter melts to spring again
I’ve got nothing in my pocket
the seasons don’t mean anything
Steady gone
full circle back to spring again
there’s nothing in my pocket
and nothing up my sleeve
I dreamt there was a sickness
and it took its toll upon the land
couldn’t wash our hands with our wedding bands
chapping lips and finger tips
we stayed some place mundane
cause any travel seemed exotic
deep inside the nightmare
our Lives were flawless
Steady on
Winter melts to spring again
I’ve got nothing in my pocket
The seasons don’t mean anything
Steady gone
full circle back to spring again
there’s still nothing in my pocket
and no-one on my arm
you know how you forget
all the names when you leave your bed
you just faintly remember to regret
leaving something warm
you know how you forget
all your dreams when you leave your bed
you just faintly remember to regret
leaving something flawless
I dreamt I’d left the city
but everyone was starving
They’d kill you for a song
masked faces lowered eyes
And lips were so exotic
we’re in danger for our Lives
cause everyone is lawless
Steady on
Winter melts to spring again
I’ve got nothing in my pocket
the seasons don’t mean anything
Steady gone
full circle back to spring again
there’s still nothing in my pocket
and no-one left to harm
I’ve got no-one left to harm.