April 4th, 2023. The Spark w Michelle Swan.

Before hitting the Takoma Spark tonight I went to the Sandy Spring Museum and continued filming the Book of Styles pop and lock tutorials. This week, with early-morning load-ins in Sandy Spring, MD followed by gigs almost every day of the week is going to be a bit brutal. Add in that if Monday and Tuesday bear a resemblance to what’s coming, every morning I’m ALSO going to get a half-dozen emails relating to the house. Just gotta make it to Friday! New Deal gonna make everything ALRIGHT!

Michelle Swan existed somewhere outside of the Okay Cafe orbit as I was “growing up”. The late 90s / early 2000s saw me hanging around with some of Audrey’s singer/songwriter friends and Michelle Swan was one of the rockstars exterior to all of them. Tall and powerful, she’s always been the epitome of “guitar girl” and has rocked the local DC-metro scene for as long as I was aware such a thing was possible.

It was an honour to have her at the Spark tonight. Huzzah.

We do this every Tuesday. Signup before 7. I start at 7. 7112 Willow Ave. in Takoma Park, MD. robsopenmics.ilyaimy.com for more information.

Tonight we were honoured to have a rob like me kicking things off, with a fantastic list consisting of Bev, David Potts-Dupre, Susan Rowe, Amoreena, Eddie, Dan Robinson, Michelle Swan, Will Jones, Richard Weil, Frank, Juels Bland, Ethan Mendick and Bryan.

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