Tonight t’was the Spark. You know the drill. With featured artist Nicole Belanus from… here!
We do this every Tuesday. Signup before 7. I start at 7. 7112 Willow Ave. in Takoma Park, MD. robsopenmics.ilyaimy.com for more information.
Tonight we were joined by
- rob (me)
- Bryan
- Steve Cutts
- Jay Keating (Know1Else)
- Greta Ehrig
- Frank L
- Susan Rowe
- Annette and Joe
- John Peiffer
- SongRiot
- Dinny
- Jillian Matundan

And it was a very fun night. Nicole Belanus is someone who I’d first encountered through Jay Keating handing me a CD that I kept in my car for literally years before (I think) I returned it. She’s got a remarkably leveled-up voice that is a beautiful reminder that I really DO travel amongst some of the best local female vocalists and it was joy to get her to come out and play, as I get the impression it’s somewhat of a rarity.
She also has a circle of very fun friends and fans and it was just joy to have that little family in the house.
Good times were perpetrated. Non-alcoholic wyrdbeers were consumed. Jillian Matundan was ABSOLUTELY Jillian Matundan, and I’d have it no other way.