Tuesday night at the Spark. I need to remember that third HDMI cable cause a two camera open mic? Psh. ANYBODY can do a TWO camera open mic!
Tonight we had Lydia Sylvia Martin as our featured artist, and she added liberally to her stage force until we had flute, banjo, guitar and mandolin, incredible harmonies, blazing 5-string – all capped off with Lydia’s understated, graceful, humble stage presence. It was a beautiful night. I didn’t get as many photos as I normally do because I was called up to play along with a bunch of players. Twrr! Tis the dream – and heftily enabled by Dave Eisner running sound. Takes a lot of stress off of me! Thank you Dave!
We do this every Tuesday. Signup before 7. I start at 7. 7112 Willow Ave. in Takoma Park, MD. robsopenmics.ilyaimy.com for more information.
Tonight we were joined by:
- rob
- Jay Keating
- Bev
- Susan
- Rob
- Dinny
- Robinson
- Charlie Bryant
- Lydia Sylvia Martin
- Dan Kenny
- Bryan Lee
- Juels Bland