We do this every Tuesday. Signup before 7. I start at 7. 7112 Willow Ave. in Takoma Park, MD. robsopenmics.ilyaimy.com for more information.
Tonight w featured artist Influxus! “Influxus is a duo of veteran musicians who bring together the charm and subtle tones of Scottish smallpipes and the foot-tapping thump of a big drum to deliver a lively mix of early and traditional world music! Chris Klecka on the pipes Daniel Williams on the drum”
Well, on paper, sure. In person, this was a duo that Dave brought to us from the Renaissance Festival who’d been playing together for over a decade as part of Wolgemut. Chris Klecka is interested in seeing if he can be a front man for a change and welcomed the opportunity to come play with us. Dan came along and… t’was sweet. Dan and Chris have an interesting tale of getting into Celtic music around the same time, falling in Love at the same time, “retiring” and getting married, and then independently and unaware of one another, getting divorced and coming back to Wolgemut at the same time. Talented musicians with similar internal clocks.

Strangely, despite it being a great night, I didn’t take a lot of pictures. I have no memory as to why. Maybe it was just that rad a night.
- rob
- Jim Baird
- Bryan Lee
- Rick
- Rob (Other)
- Frank
- That Alaskan
- Influxus
- Rebecca Presti
- Dan M
- Juels Bland