September 26th, 2023. The Spark with Slava and Alexey and Nik.

We do this every Tuesday. Signup before 7. I start at 7. 7112 Willow Ave. in Takoma Park, MD. for more information.

Tonight w featured artists Slava Zonova & Alexey Brazhnikov! Alexey and Slava will bring their ancient traditional music to the stage and the tunes they wrote. They will play guitar, balalaika, gusli, and other unique instruments. This music will tell us a story about love, peace, and the connection with our roots, motherland, and ancestors.

  1. rob
  2. Bev
  3. Justin Golden
  4. Manuel De La Luz
  5. David Potts-Dupre
  6. Dan M
  7. Rebecca Presti
  8. Sea Rios
  9. Slava and Alexey
  10. Roman
  11. Juels

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