I’d like some downtime please. I’ve got some coming up. I’m actually not THAT insane now. But somehow just feel like I can’t keep up. Maybe it’s the lack of sleep? I seem to recover worse and worse from bad nights and that’s a pretty unfortunate getting-older side effect. I miss feeling AWAKE.
The last couple of mornings I’ve gotten up, showered and reviewed notes, and then dove into “Lightning Talks” in preparation for Folk Music Ontario, a conference in Canada that we’re attending next week.

I’ve had a LOT of mixed emotions about these little 7 minute Zoom session with my moods flinging from freak-out levels of tension to forgetting all about them and back again from moment to moment. It ties into my imposter-syndrome, sure that I don’t know what I’m doing, sure that it shows.
But, I had another three of them this morning, and though about half an hour’s worth of social interaction before noon doesn’t SEEM like it should be utterly brain-frying, it’s also half an hour of INTENSE SWIFT BUSINESS-ORIENTED social interaction and by noon I could NOT believe I’d only been dealing with the exterior world for about an hour.
And then there’s the French. A LOT of French on the lead up to these meetings. Though I check my translations with google, I’m sort of surprising myself with the ability to SORT of read the default French version of a lot of these websites. But it DOES leave me scattered. Like my head is of two minds on EVERYTHING.

Conversation? Hopeless. I try not to let on that I can understand it at ALL lest I invite an avalanche of Français upon me that I have to embarrassingly admit to not being able to follow. It’s simply been too long. But the reading feels interestingly rusty, and in the midst of my mind filling with mush, there are islands of sharp comprehension.
In any case. It’s time to move on with my day a bit. Open mic tonight. Jeff Miller comes and stays with us tomorrow. Moving right along. Canada next week.
But FIRST! Below… Amy got a kitten. He bites, but so do I. Gusgus is a force of chaos and can be balanced one paw per finger with a finger left over to be bitten.