November 16th, 2023. Yes but…

Well, Heather’s hoping this will deter people from smashing her windows and trying to steal her car unless they can ACTUALLY drive a stick, because that’s GOTTA be embarrassing. She went and got me coffee as I set up for the shoot on Wednesday morning.

Weird, tangled dreams. Today is my 22nd anniversary with Heather and I should’ve woken up thinking “ah HA! What an amazing partner I’ve had! Here’s to 22 more! We do amazing things and it’s incredible (and also amazing!).

But no. I woke up thinking “oh god, did I really say ‘Confederate’ when I meant to say ‘Corvette’ in front of that family that even though they were putting up the whole band really DID have a traitor flag flyin’ on the front lawn?”

No, the answer is that I did NOT do that. Nor did Joey pull a bootlegger turn in his Confed- I mean Corvette. And no, Rowan did NOT jump his SUV off the front of Joey’s Con-vette and ilyAIMY would certainly never drive three separate cars to go crash with someone that’s putting up the whole band especially if we didn’t know them at all.

It was a weird dream. And there was a lot more to it that’s vanishing out of my head even as I type it. The second half… or maybe the fourth quarter of the dream is all I can think of at the moment. Where ilyAIMY: Heather and me and Kristen in Heather’s car, Rowan racing along in gigantic, almost cartoonish SUV with Sharif, and Joey speeding along in his little Corvette, were all driving through twisty, windy roads. There was some sort of altercation or something that Rowan and Sharif had to escape that was probably laid out and explained in part III of the dream, and to fake their deaths, Joey pulled his emergency brake, spun his car one hundred and eighty degrees providing a nice little launching ramp for Rowan’s truck… Rowan’s truck drove up Joey’s hood and apparently off a cliff, but landed nicely out of sight so that we could all continue on to our destination.

Rolling up to THAT, awkward first-time greetings and thanks given to our patrons who are so kindly putting us up for the night. I was worried about Joey, making sure he was okay as we bring our bags and instruments in, and then I start retelling the story to our host – a thin, older blonde woman who apparently runs some sort of small seed store out of the front of her house. I was telling her about how Joey spun his car and it was at this point I said “Confederate” rather than “Corvette” and corrected myself just as I walk on to her back porch and see the holy trinity of flags : the Southern Cross, Trump, and then the Stars and Bars – very FIRMLY in that order – and Rowan’s standing next to me and things get awkward quick.

And then David Eisner calls, and complains that my ringtone has 6000ms of latency and I tell him that by definition he’s got no way of telling that and then he reveals himself to be calling from the next room and we get into a highly technical conversation that I can only escape from by waking the Hell up.

Good morning.

St Luke’s Church on the Avenue was a pretty awesome place to film.

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