I’ve been working with FocusMusic for… five years? I’m not even sure. I guess I could go back and look at my invoices, or my taxes? But I don’t want to. As with MOST things that I work with on a regular basis, I get seduced, fall in Love, get frustrated, annoyed, fall out of Love, and then fall back in. I think they’ve got great purpose and we put on great shows together, and under the new leadership of Jillian Matundan there’s even GREATER purpose, though I have newly-formed opinions about organizations for musicians BY musicians – as we’re often going nuts just trying to keep our OWN careers above water, let alone spending a lot of time helping others… however, there’s a great deal of crossover in spirit and purpose with Focus and my open Open Mics through Institute of Musical Traditions, so it fills me with joy to be able to host the events that TRULY blur those lines – LIKE our annual meetings!
Driving HOME from this event was exhausting, and I’m so thankful for Juels Bland guest-hosting my open mic tonight – I had half a thought to pop in as I’d actually passed back by Morsbergers with 15 minutes to spare before Music City open mic even STARTED but I was BEAT. The drive home involved chaos and two beltways, as well as (probably) the last snow of the year. I stepped into the house and was unconscious on the couch within 20 minutes.