We do this every Sunday night at Morsbergers at 713 Frederick Rd, Catonsville, MD, 21228. Signup at 6.30, music at 7pm. Enter through the back at the LARGER of the two doors! (the other entrances are straight to the bar side and Boba Fett won’t always point the way!) For information about the photos and videos and usage thereof, please visit https://www.ilyaimy.com/robsopenmics/#videosAndPhotos!
A special note to DRUMMERS : we’d Love for you to join us and have a house kit (please bring your own snare, cymbals and – of course – sticks / hotrods), however I need you to show up early to set it up (6pm) and we HOPE you’ll be comfortable sitting in with other performers if they ask you to! Time is generally pretty tight and we don’t have time to set up the kit, play two songs for one act, and get your kit back off stage again. It’s gotta be there the whole night! Though Morsbergers has a lot of metal bands on weekends, the open mic night tends to be more singer/songwriter – please be prepared to play accordingly (hot rods encouraged).

Tonight we were joined by :
- rob
- Krunchyfunkenstein
- Avi Walter
- Dii
- Joe Isaacs
- Tyler
- Mike Bragg
- Mike S
- Jason
- Zander
- Alex in Wonderland
- Bobby
- Jesse Moody
- Juels Bland
Tonight was possibly the best night we’ve had yet, and so it is with INCREDIBLE sadness I must say the audio glitched – I’ve got the first half pretty well salvaged….