We do this every Tuesday. Signup before 7. I start at 7. 7112 Willow Avenue in Takoma Park, MD. robsopenmics.ilyaimy.com for more information. For information about the photos and videos and usage thereof, please click here!
Tonight we were joined by :
- ilyAIMY
- Bobby
- David Potts-Dupre
- Geraud
- Kate Caldwell
- Ethan Mendick
- Daniel Lee
- Mr Dearly
- Rebecca Berlin
- David Weaver
- Brian Higgins
- Timonius
- Dan M
- Nathan
- Rae
- Joey
- Juels Bland
Barring my adoration of the Residents, I’ve never been so enamoured with an artist so aggressively underground, almost solely supported by word-of-mouth from an understandably intense fanbase. Daniel Lee is how I’ve known him for 20 years of admiration, and despite moniker changes and an ever-changing web presence, I’ll never know him as anything different. An artist hailing from Louisiana with funk and soul running through his voice and guitar skills, imagine the second-coming of Prince with an aw-shucks southern gentleness and you’ll have a clue as to what you’re about to witness. An old friend and a dreamer, please welcome Daniel Lee.