Bon matin. Je suis tres fatiugue, le marriage des Jade et Adam was a beautiful thing and I think… I THINK it’s just about the last of our “family” marriages. Unless Joey proposes. Unless our unmarried-long-partnered friends tie the knot.
Weddings are strange parties, committing relationships to legal documents in the eyes of the State. I guess for many there’s a religious component, but really it’s all about tradition and taxes and, last night at least, pool, Bluetooth and donuts.
I HATE things that I’m “supposed” to be good at that are actually peripheral to my skillset. Such tasks as “Win Lose or Draw” while you’re in art school or playing the Spotify playlist while at a wedding as a professional musician and sound engineer are jobs that will leave me sweating, prepared for deep mortification. I did battle with the vagaries of Spotify and the house sound install of the wedding venue (their sound zoning system seems a little cross-wired, hot-wired and mislabeled), but despite a bit of chaos and aforementioned sweat, we got Jade down the aisle to the right music, nupped to Adam, and dancing later in the evening was perpetrated!

I wish I was into dancing, but I hate dressing up and I always feel tight and hot and uncomfortable, so add that to the inexplicably stressful response to having to press “play” on a Spotify playlist at just the right moment and I was VERY tight, VERY awkward, hot and VERY uncomfortable – none of that makes for a good dance number.

Jade and Adam looked amazing and relatively chill. All in all, there were so few moving parts to the wedding compared to my own, I figure they seemed to have done it right. Just invite friends and family over for an expensive party. The children were chill and in low-quantity, the alcohol consumption was moderate and any feared family drama was kept, if not from actually happening, than at least below any threshold of perceptibility.

I think the only thing that REALLY amped it up for Heather and Kristen and I was it coming on the tails of a relatively high-stakes gig – getting off stage 15.5 hours before I had to be loaded into the wedding at Earp’s Ordinary in Fairfax, VA I was keenly aware that that 15.5 hours had to include close to 3 hours of driving and some sleep. Though that would seemingly leave PLENTY of time betwixt activities (and it did) never underestimate how much time should be added under the “sleep” column for “falling asleep” and indeed, as of Monday morning, as I write this, I could just bloody well go back to bed.

The gig at Earp’s was great – solid ticket sales and solid turnout. Not magnificent, but we blew through our guarantee and did well off of tips and merch. We were sloppy and there was some temperamental angst, including stress over the sound engineer, who wasn’t supposed to be on that night and came in on short notice – but we overcame and had a good time and Ewing got her song and Debby got her twigs, I got my tacos, we all got our cookies – and though we didn’t realize we wanted it, we also all got our Chinchilla – which is honestly something that I don’t NEED to define since in almost any form “getting our Chinchilla” is going to be a positive.
Happy Monday! Acacia’s going to push back for a couple of hours, which is good because someone’s running some sort of crazy engine outside and that would preclude recording and I haven’t had NEARLY enough coffee yet.

I am not sure exactly what ilyGeneration contains/defines/explains me but I do wish I could find a beautiful Man……I guess I’d likely need to leave the house to do dat, eh?
All best wishes for the Lovely m. Jade…I’ve always been a fan…..