I find myself taking fewer photographs. Slacking as it were. Must be listening more! Or sometimes it’s just too damned crowded! Tonight’s feature with Dan Lipton brought in a couple new-to-me players and we definitely had one of those crowded nights where I often stepped out of the room to watch from the lobby TV (which means I’m more attentive to the webstream sound I guess)…
And somehow, tonight, that means I didn’t take photos of the feature!!!! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! He got me all swept up by that cool, grungy, drop-D song….
Holy crap. I’m duplicating something that I don’t need to duplicate!!! It just occurred to me that if I’m balancing stuff for the Blackmagic to run to the lobby TV I could just take the Blackmagic straight in for the web feed… I am SLOW some days!!!
We do this every Tuesday. Signup before 7. I start at 7. 7112 Willow Avenue in Takoma Park, MD. robsopenmics.ilyaimy.com for more information. For information about the photos and videos and usage thereof, please click here!
Tonight we were joined by :
- rob
- Spencer J
- Sea Griffin
- David Potts-Dupre
- & Maddie
- Bobby and Raphael
- Ben Evans
- Dan Lipton
- Clif Ingram
- Juana
- Manu
- Joey Jenkins
- Ethan Mendick
- Joe Shade
- Rob Gould
- Dan M
- Brian Higgins
- Juels Bland