In case you needed a reason to get on the MAILING LIST rather than just follow ilyAIMY on social media, and for those of you following this drama (and just for keeping track myself!) – I’ve been restricted specifically from posting LINKS – either internal to FB or external, either by cutting / pasting the links or by using the “share” functionality…

This seems arbitrary as my behaviour hasn’t changed. I’m doubting the actual “rules” have changed* as I’m not hearing a lot of “holy crap, me too!” – outside of a number of people “reporting” me for violations, my suspicion is that I triggered SOMETHING in FB’s algorithm that’s treating me aggressively (well, that could also be linked to people reporting my posts? I could imagine them being treated as spammy, but I’m generally within anyone’s group rules) and that I’ll eventually duck back under it’s threshold. It’s probably the kinda curve Naomi Nagata could figure out.

I am ALSO restricted from doing this as my various Pages (IMT, rOM, ilyAIMY, FM, etc). If I try to post a link from those Pages it just hangs (doesn’t post, but doesn’t error out), but upon returning to my Profile it gives me an updated restriction notice (as above – that was for replying as IMT to a comment with a link answering that comment) – I CAN do this if I use Meta’s Business Suite’s Publishing functionality, but this doesn’t work for answering comments (I was replying to that link from within the Business Suite).
Third-party APIs (I use Loomly, StreamYard and Jetpack) will error out if I include a link in their posts as well, but at least Loomly will fire back with a specific error message re : how long precisely my “time out” will last.
That timing seems arbitrary – as Monday morning it was IMMEDIATELY 4 days, which counted down until I got it added to by about 12 hours with one of my unedited scheduled-posts (e.g. I didn’t edit it to delete that link, though I knew it’d probably get blocked) – and today’s “offense” resulted in 7 hours.
*Asterisks and caveats : I do know that SOME rules changed at the beginning of May actually – third-party APIs are no longer allowed to post links to events, which seems oddly specific. Within Loomly I get that warning if I try to post a link to a Facebook event, and gives me a big red flag till it’s deleted.
It’s also entirely possible that over the course of advertising for shows last week just ENOUGH people reported my posts to admins (though I think that’s unreasonable) or maybe enough admins declined my posts (there are always a couple that don’t get posted, and from the outside, unless the admin chooses to give you an explanation, you can’t tell if the post was declined or simply hasn’t been approved yet) to hit some sort of tipping point that put me on thin ice… I kinda DOUBT I’m being actively trolled by people who are angry at me in some way.