Tonight was a Lovely, if underpopulated night. Takoma Park will come out and play your open mic on most holidays. We had a packed night for July 4th. I’m expecting one HELL of a party for New Year’s Eve.
But any kind of political event? Forget about it. Takoma Park is busy. They’re INVOLVED. I’d waved off “my” features for the Maryland primary a couple of weeks ago, but had forgotten to warn TONIGHT’S feature that it was DC’s primary, and sure enough – the night t’was SPARSE.
Anywho – it was one of Dave’s features, and as usual, though I wouldn’t have picked them out of a lineup of other local artists, they were superb and the Blue Rhythm Boys are certainly on my radar NOW.
Phenomenal Gypsy-jazz (or whatever I’m “supposed” to call that now… Django Jazz?) guitar with just a laid back delivery that is almost entirely opposite to my own.
I opened up with Natural 20 and Elephant Joke, with Natural 20 getting the rarest of all things : Joey Jenkins doing the cello solo, and the second rarest of all things, someone (Clif) getting the Paranoia reference.
Yeah. It may have been sparse, but it was a damned awesome night.
Oh – and extra shout out to Jon Charry who came out and ran the sound for the stream tonight, which was a huge worry off my head.

We do this every Tuesday. Signup before 7. I start at 7. 7112 Willow Avenue in Takoma Park, MD. robsopenmics.ilyaimy.com for more information. For information about the photos and videos and usage thereof, please click here!
Tonight w
- rob
- Bev
- Lea Holz
- Clif
- Juana
- Joey Jenkins
- The Blue Rhythm Boys
- Dan M
- Thomas and John Philip
- Spencer J
- Mel G
- Juels Bland