June 21st, 2024. Day 2.

Day 2: Bruges

Let the massive photo dumps begin! George took us to Bruges. From their place in Woluwe, we took the tram and metro (taking a detour to see a little more of Brussels), and then the train. Once in Bruges we walked A LOT (almost 9 miles), ate Belgian things, went in St. Salvatore’s Cathedral, and took a boat tour of the canal. I couldn’t tell you what all the places in these photos were – just enjoyed the pretty!

It’s an incredibly beautiful city – some of the buildings date back to the 12th century. Lots of tourists, but not too bad (though I hear it’s better to avoid weekends).

Here is the quaintest McDonald’s ever, being swarmed by teen tourists.
First waffle in Belgium. It was good, but I’m going to have to eat more to truly judge!
So many swans!
This is the back of the Van Eyck statue…

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