July 10th, 2024. Happy Birthday Kristen, Here’s 12 hours of travel!

One regret. Last night we came back to the Christian IV Hotel in Copenhagen and what was supposed to be a little organizational meeting with Ana and Alex turned into a much longer, enjoyable rambly chat. Like the kind I forget is possible. When we’re finally ready to call it a night, on a whim I check out the room attached to the room we’d been talking in and I discover a record player with my freakin’ name on it, and a pile of records ranging from plenty of European stuff I’d never heard of to hits of the 80s and David Bowie and all sorts of other stuff. It would’ve been a really marvelous counterpoint to our conversation. (and we would’ve probably been up ALL night!)
One last Lego store. We didn’t make time to check it out because the morning’s train ride to the airport, and then navigating the Copenhagen airport was stressful enough that we just wanted to BE where we were supposed to BE. But I still snapped a pic and sent it to Chris Ehrich to make him jealous.

Long flight over the Atlantic. Headed home with hope of inspiration and a guy with limbs too long for a cheap flight.

The Hobbit Hotel from our first day in Belgium. Not very Hobbity, but pertinent!

I’m glad to be headed home. It was a great trip, but every Hobbit knows what every tourist knows, that you haven’t been anywhere till you’re home again. Blazing white light outside, some old Heather tracks on my headphones. It looks like heaven without the leg room.

One last photo of beautiful Copenhagen? Yep. Taken from inside the bathroom at the airport. It’s just a photo on the wall to remind me of one of the myriad strange moments when, used to not understanding the languages around me or recognizing the music or whatever – the surreal recognition of the song being played immortalizes the moment. Often in the bathroom. At this moment it was a quite horrible electronicky, cheap sounding cover of “Amber” by 311. I was desperate to complete my business and escape.

Kristen says she’s missed ice cubes, good toilet paper, and the cat. I’d add playing gigs to that list, but not too much else. Going the other way I’m absolutely GOING to miss the weather and Ana’s immense shower, two things that go a long, long way.

Eyeballing the weather has me downright worried actually. Though we’re inside this weekend, next week I think we play outside three times and the weather will probably be hovering between 90 and over a hundred degrees for every show. It’s the end of the world as we know it.

Ha. That’s the way the Refuge is billing our show in October. The End of the World show. I need to check in with them to know why, but I have the suspicion it’s because it’s the last Refuge show before the election, which could very well feel like the Apocalypse even IF Biden pulls a win out of his ass.

But in the moment, clouds drift by, the guy to my right shifts, Kristen reaches over and squeezes my knee. Happy birthday dear. Let’s spend it getting you home to your cat.

The flight home sucked. And it sucked right from the get-go. They called our flight roughly on time, but then literally kept us standing in the jetway for about 20 minutes. I THINK they were arranging seating for a couple of older women in wheelchairs, but the planning on display was… not ideal. In any case, we kept eyeballing this switch on the wall, wondering what would happen if we actually released the seagull herds. (this actually seems to translate as “seagull hard” and we didn’t want to fool with that)
[hours and hours later]

The first leg of the flight home found us caught equidistant betwixt two screaming babies, who eventually synched up. I feel like I should’ve found beauty in that but I did NOT. HOWEVER the pilot and Flatulus, god of winds, got us into Iceland 20 minutes early and I can’t be too spiky about that.

The Keflavik airport was a LOT easier to navigate the second time around. More sleep goes a long way, plus everyone seemed better natured. The passport people in their boxes were pleasant and everything was good right till we were dealing with Play Airlines again which just seemed poorly organized, leaving us standing in the jetway for 20 minutes before letting us on the plane. They’re ran flights to Boston, Baltimore and Washington DC all at the same time from close to the same gates and the lines even kinda interwove, with people asking the spectacularly UNUSEFUL question “this is Play? Going to the U.S.?”

Our last meal from our vacation was… less than amazing. But 7-Eleven vending machines ARE kinda cool! (no Slurpee dispenser tho)

Another screaming child, who seems tuckered out by now, seemed quite strong at the beginning while sitting on the runway. My theory is that he is with us from the previous plane and has eaten the other child and gained it’s strength.

But a nice surprise: our first actual interaction on a plane, a nice woman from Bloomington who clued us into the trolls in Kentucky that we’ll have to go see. I feel like I’ve not been doing my job for the past three weeks (literally true) of meeting new people and chatting with strangers. I talked to FOUR people I didn’t know headed to our plane… like a growed up!

Finally departing Denmark. One last shoutout… or shout at, perhaps, to Play.
Beat the storm home!

Gotta get unshy again. Looking forward to it.

I’m taking a moment to listen to some mixes. I want to pick back up with our recordings and listening to what I’ve done for acacia reminds me I’ve got the skill to do it, I just need the patience and to rally my bandmates.

Packed in socks, my glass made it and is now packing a double-shot of tequila!

Notes to self:
Backup plan – rob mix a terrible idea

Blood Bank – add guitar for fun

This folder also includes the stuff from Chords of courage and I’m being reminded that we did a really, really good job with that. sounds killer. Except the cello. It’s carved out in a weird way that I’d want to do better.

Chicken wings – keys are too weird over the vocals and should come out.

Everything I remember about the war – surely there’s something I can do to make that flute sound better?

Hands – that buzz tone is atrocious and has to gooooo

Arrival at BWI. Strange to have been in motion for over 12 hours, to have felt like you got on a plane in the afternoon, and for the sun to still be shining and fierce. So fierce in fact that (I know you can’t really see it) water vapour is visibly condensing and pouring into the plane. At first it looked like smoke and was a little unnerving!
Kristen wasn’t WRONG!

upComing & inComing

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