July 26th, 2024. Dinosaur Berfday.

We spotted this poor car at our repair shop’s parking lot. I want to know it’s story. It’s clearly been having a good time, whatever it’s up to. And has had a rough Life.
Spoiler alert – we DO get to our gig at the Carnegie Natural History Museum in Pittsburgh, PA – and Kristen sets up our merch with moose guard to watch over it.

Traveling west to play a dinosaur birthday. I appreciate the uniqueness of this particular situation. Tomorrow we play a sci-fi convention just to cap it all off and I wish I could sit back and enjoy, but I’ve got plenty of things to keep my brain occupied… like we haven’t written a set list yet because what the HELL do you play for a dinosaur birthday? We sort of dreamed of picking up some specific songs for the evening but…you know… went to Europe instead.

A horrible first-thing-to-see as you get off the elevator to load in at the show…

Heather is doing whatever she’s doing (vanished into her phone) and Kristen is driving. Rowan is aggressively Bettering His Mind learning stuff on YouTube and I’m… unfocused.

Driving through Pennsylvania IS remarkably like Sweden in a way. But our first US road trip, short though it be, highlights the incredible differences betwixt our nation and theirs. I wondered how they got by without shoulders on their roads… single lane highways sans a breakdown lane. How does that work? Rowan says you just don’t see broken down cars in Europe, that either insurance takes better care of the vehicles or the people do.

Happy 125th!

I don’t know that it’s even about money. People avoid doing anything about anything until something breaks. Don’t they? Or is that uniquely American?

But we pass broken down cars and we FINALLY pass the 18-wheeler that’s literally been shedding it’s shredded tire all over the highway for the last dozen miles. Maybe it’s a trick of volume, Sweden’s the size of California but has 1/3 the cars…

We’ll reach Pittsburgh soon, dodging potholes and traffic all the while, admiring mountains and missing lakes.

Our view from our stage tonight, performing for Dippy’s (foreground) 125th Anniversary of being found!
Fuck Yeah Dinosaurs playing the slot before us at the 125th Birthday of Dippy the Dinosaur.

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