August 6th, 2024. The SPARK w Adin Boyer.

We do this every Tuesday. Signup before 7. I start at 7. 7112 Willow Avenue in Takoma Park, MD. for more information. For information about the photos and videos and usage thereof, please click here!

Our featured artist tonight, Adin Boyer, had a truly stunning voice, and buried within his promo material is the revelation that he’s actually pretty internationally known for said voice, as a finalist in one of last year’s big televised talent shows. A friend excitedly recognized his name from that.

What an odd world.

One of the things I’m very, VERY conscious of in our profession is the unevenness of it. Two weeks ago we played a dinosaur birthday and a sci-fi con and a college – and though that triumvirate of gigs gave us one of our highest-paying weeks in YEARS – total attentive turnout (centered on our stage, not just hanging out at the dino-birthday, for example) was probably 50. Then this past weekend we played two small-town events with hundreds of people attentive and enthusiastic. And then I return to my open mics. The idea of swinging from something like American Idol or Got Talent! or one of THOSE shows, with literally millions of viewers, to playing my little open mic, is even MORE strange.

He seemed to have a good time though. I’ve definitely encountered people who never get past that brush with fame (and Adin’s talented enough that I have no doubt it won’t be his ONLY brush! He might even get slathered in fame some day!) and treat all “lesser” events and audiences with dripping contempt. The fact that that’s not even forefront in his press said a lot about his character, and his confidence that literally, his voice speaks for itself.

Tonight we were joined by

  1. rob
  2. Bev
  3. Squeazy E
  4. Sheila
  5. Spencer J
  6. Phil
  7. Adin Boyer
  8. Patrick Smith
  9. Clifton
  10. Jack
  11. Keats
  12. Gabrielle Zwi
  13. Greg
  14. John
  15. Dan M
  16. Wira!
  17. Juels Bland

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