August 27th, 2024. The SPARK w Grey Jacks.

Kristen and I kicking things off! My wife isn’t here for the open mic often, but she’s here to play with the feature and I’m not ABOUT to let her off the hook…

We do this every Tuesday. Signup before 7. I start at 7. 7112 Willow Avenue in Takoma Park, MD. for more information. For information about the photos and videos and usage thereof, please click here!

Tonight, featured artist Grey Jacks brought me a huge band and a huge mission, coming to terms with the history of his grandmother, whose tale deserved to be told. It was the first time these songs were being aired, and I was proud to give him a stage, albeit a wee one.

Tonight w

  1. rob
  2. Bev
  3. Patrick Smith
  4. John
  5. Phil
  6. Greta Ehrig
  7. Tom and Frank
  8. Frank
  9. David Potts-Dupre
  10. Grey Jacks
  11. Thomas and John Philip
  12. Ritchie
  13. Doogie
  14. Daniel C
  15. Bobby
  16. Mandilyn
  17. Clif
  18. Jov
  19. Dan M
  20. Juels Bland

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