September 13th, 2024. Ah. So it’s COVID. Finally.

Wednesday night Kristen and I had been craving the Pizza Pizza of childhood and we went a bit overboard ordering from Little Caesers. This has served as well as we hunker down in isolation for the next couple of days.

Well, I’m finally a fully-participating member of the Apocalypse, with Pestilence FINALLY having caught up to me. I’m pretty sure one of my bouts of colds or allergies have been COVID in the past, but I’ve never tested positive. However, as of yesterday morning, September 12th, 2024, I’ve finally joined the ranks of the 88% of America that’s apparently had COVID since the beginning of 2020.

It is both the best of times and the worst of times…

COVID wasn’t the ONLY bug in the house Wednesday night. This was an unbeknownst to us Lair guest that Kristen apprehended after the show. Thursday morning, testing positive for COVID, I’m feeling a little better about having ended Wednesday’s Lair 15 minutes early. My throat was TIRED and my voice was cracking up a little and… well, now we know why.

On the one hand, there’s no ilyAIMY gigs scheduled this weekend. Heather had a solo gig at Sugarloaf Mountain that she invited me to join her on, and I was really excited to do it, but alas… and then Sunday would be my Catonsville open mic, but Juels has hosted that a billion times, he’s up for a billion and one.

On the other hand, I haven’t met my new primary care physician (I was unceremoniously swapped to a new doctor while in Europe and I just haven’t taken the time to place that call yet) and apparently there’s some gap in our pharmacy’s connection with our insurance which means they’re out-of-network till October 1st , so if anything goes horribly awry with my health I’m going to have to work up the gumption to figure all of that out.

And so I’ll spend the day being easily distractable. Need a graphic? Make a graphic except I should write about COVID! Half way through that I see a post about cable organization and I ashamedly admit to using an octopus hanger in the QSC touchmix group. I remember I was making graphics and start a poster for next month’s show in Cumberland. Then I remember I was working on something else and start doodling microphone logos… My brain is a fuzzy mess.

I’m hoping, and expecting, to kick this back out of my system in a couple of days. I have a mix of optimism and pessimism that’s par for the rob-course of emotional range. It’s like a bad cold coupled with the worst lung-feel I’ve had in a long time. My throat is all torn up from coughing, and that’s actually what led me to test even though I wasn’t going out yesterday : I set up to practice and started singing and everything that came out was scratchy and broken.

By today I’m a little dizzy because it’s in my ears, I’m sleepy and I’m having trouble maintaining really steady trains of thought (ha, realizing I’ve got two unfinished posters open on my desktop, this Journal entry, I stopped to draw a graphic or two, made a couple of square graphics, almost went to start a video game after making some toast and just generally am even more susceptible to scrolling than I NORMALLY am).

Holy crap. I even almost wrote “train of thoughts”. Who even AM I right now?

Anywho – I’ll be fine. I’m scattered and suffering a low-grade meh. The show today was outside and if it wasn’t for the fact that I’d have spend over an hour in an enclosed car with Heather, I probably would’ve been fine if Heather took the lead. Though I don’t have the LATEST latest vaccine, I’ve had enough to fill two vax cards front and back and am generally just grumpy about it all.

Hoping… wanting… needing to be better to present Chris Compton next week. That’s my deadline. Feel better and test negative by Monday.

But if I’m not I’m not. I built a network that can function as a net. It’ll catch me when I fall.

Fingers crossed.

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