I’m fortunate in that I’ve only rarely been genuinely injured. I’ve never been hospitalized. My experiences with trauma have all been rather focused with pointy objects, or blunt and brutal in the form of car accidents, but I’ve never broken bones and my sprains have been few and far between.
And so I’m really quite non-plussed to get all my joints in an uproar at once.
Hitting the concrete floor last week at Morsbergers is still causing my body a lot of pain. Add to that my general struggles with repetitive actions (read : I play guitar too much and also use my computer too much) and my right ankle is killing me and my left ankle aches and my right knee is killing me and my left knee hurts in the morning and my right elbow is killing me and my left elbow aches and my right should aches and my left shoulder… well, actually my left shoulder is doing okay but let’s not talk about my wrists.

My torso’s fine though. I can do sit ups! Yay!
God I hate sit ups.
Kristen’s worried about her dad down in the storms of Georgia. I just hurt. This grey day, with it’s low-hanging Helene inspired clouds seems unending. I just want it to be time to go to bed. Start again tomorrow. Maybe these bruises will have faded. Maybe the aches will be a little less. Maybe Kristen’s dad’s phones will work.

Kristen’s been doing good things with this endless day. She’s in motion and getting things done. I’m in stasis. It hurts to sit still for too long. It hurts to move. That whole age (or is it ADHD? Or is it just me being me?) thing of running up the stairs to get something, getting there, wondering why you came into the room, going back down the stairs and then remembering so you have to go back UP the stairs – it’s like torture today. Slow, grinding torture.
I got to play with my friends on Wednesday. I got to record my friends on Thursday. I get to play with my friends on Saturday. I get to play on Sunday. It’s just this long, never-ending non-distraction-laden Friday.
Don’t tell anyone, but I guess I DO like people.
A little.