Ain’t nothing average about this guy. A remarkably polished set that got me in the middle of my feels about imposter syndrome. Generally I’ve found that the more professional the artist, the more they feel that, no matter how much they may respect what else is going on around them at my little open mics, they can sprawl all over the evening. Time constraints do not apply, there’s inevitably a casual attitude towards getting in tune, telling long stories, and generally being More Important than the rest of the room.
Average Joey was not only a fantastic vocalist and multi-instrumentalist, but he ran one of the tightest sets I’ve ever seen and I was deeply impressed.

There’s more to the story, of course. There always is. But I shan’t tell it here.
We do this every Tuesday. Signup before 7. I start at 7. 7112 Willow Avenue in Takoma Park, MD. robsopenmics.ilyaimy.com for more information. For information about the photos and videos and usage thereof, please click here!
Tonight w
- rob
- Bev
- John
- Phil
- Jay Keating
- Matt
- Dii
- &Maddie
- Average Joey
- Babel Baby
- Grace
- Patrick Smith
- D Davis
- Mary Ann Ryan
- Bobby
- Rebecca Berlin
- Thomas
- Bryan Lee
- Clifton Ingham
- Juels Bland