Not that I’m particularly tuned into social media at any given time, but I’m pleasantly surprised not to see the usual slew of “I am angry at YOU because you’ve said ‘Happy Thanksgiving’” posts. It’s like every once in a while we recognize that maybe we have better things to do with our Lives than be angry at other people’s happiness.
I’ve had my qualms over how people celebrate this myself, of course. But for me it’s an annoyance over referring to it as “Turkey day” because it’s … well, I guess it’s sort of like “Xmas”. Even if you’re not a believer, at least keep the root words in there so you can’t hide what it is? Know where you’re coming from, you know?
But I’m over it.

Last night I watched Star Wars and picked pomegranate seeds out of a gigantic pomegranate and it is with some level of shame that I admit that this is probably my sole contribution to this year’s Thanksgiving. I’m a terrible human in this way but am THANKFUL that I’m surrounded by people who actually DO enjoy making foodstuffs and I’m grateful that I’ll get to enjoy the fruits (and meats) of their labours. There will be dishes and things to clean and in various ways I’ll pretend like I’m working too.
My mom is in Brussels with my brother, and since Belgium obviously doesn’t know about Thanksgiving, they’ll be having an expatriate’s dinner on Saturday with a couple of other friends. Kristen and I are going to head over to Heather’s parents in a bit and I’m glad to gather there.
It’ll be good to see Heather. It seems like a billion years since she’s been around, and maybe, possibly, with the completion of this year’s NERFA conference (and her departure from their volunteer staff) she’ll be able to relax into just enjoying the night with friends and family.
I know, I know, the time for miracles is NEXT month!