This month I’ll be bringing a lot of my Baltimore regulars down to Takoma Park one by one, and as I do I get to learn a little bit about them. Like “MO” is just an abbreviation of MO’s social media name. Her REAL name is Fayo Ojo and I get to call her that now! A relatively slow night for the first open mic of the new year, but I have the suspicion things’ll pick up shortly. I’m disappointed I didn’t get to show Mo off to more of our regulars, but we also have a pretty nice audience, and with a shorter night, they stuck around for the WHOLE night.
We do this every Tuesday. Signup before 7. I start at 7. 7112 Willow Avenue in Takoma Park, MD. for more information. For information about the photos and videos and usage thereof, please click here!
Tonight w
- rob
- Bev
- John Clark
- Myles & Ben
- Collide
- Jay Keating
- Mo
- Jordan
- Safety Bear
- Juels Bland