July 11th, 2019.

July 8th – Monday at the Teavolve Open Mic w Shawan Rice.

Just another Monday with friends and music!

Sort of – I’m definitely feeling a little burnt out on the open mic crowd recently. There were truly AMAZING acts tonight (a couple of poets just blew us all away) but I am tired of attitudes – so tired that I think I may be IMAGINING attitudes… but maybe not.

I wish I had an impartial shoulder-beest who could whisper in my ear “that wasn’t meant the way it sounded” or “yeah, you’re absolutely right, that one’s an asshole”.

July 11th – Kristen’s birthday PT II.

My mom likes to take us up to the Cats Meow Daylily Garden in Manchester, MD and have High Tea for Kristen’s birthday. It’s a beautiful environment, and is a pretty Lovely way to celebrate my wife!

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