July 30th, 2009.

Two amazing things: another rainbow leads to Glen Burnie – and Emissions Testing in under five minutes….

First the rainbow: Tuesday was brutal. We played outside for the Bethesda Farmers Market on perhaps the hottest day of the year so far. We set up in 88 degrees and broke down closing on a hundred, sweating and burning all the while. We did well, surviving the day, but air and water couldn’t flow fast enough amd my face looked like a red mask by the time we were done loading out. I got back to Catonsville, took a third shower (one after midnight before going to bed because it was too hot, one after waking up this morning so my hair would be pretty for the show) and took a 10 minute nap before having to head back out. The 10 minutes were troubled by the loudest thunder I’d ever heard – I was sure I was dreaming. I’d come inside under blue skies and as I loaded into my weary Saturn blue skies still shone. But still, thunder was shaking everything.

I got onto 695 and rounded the corner to the I-95 break and was greeted by a huge rainbow arching over the otherwise clear sky. No half-and-half sky, just blue with a couple of white clouds and a huge rainbow stretching from end to end of the world. To the left, 695 continued winding around Baltimore, straight ahead, 95 made it’s way straight north and to the right 95 south pulled away, the only route still moving. Sunshine everywhere, 695 stopped the instant 95 split off, traffic immobile, water rebounding off the pavement, pouring out of the clear sky. I-95 North was stopped as well, sun shining down on the wet cars with rain pouring down out of nowhere. But I-95 south was moving and dry, rainbow over all… I’d never seen anything like that.

What a beautiful, moody day.

Also, what freakish world did I stumble into where emissions testing took five minutes?

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