August 1st, 2009.

The Neil Armstrong Air and Space Museum in Unpronouncable, Ohio. We rounded a corner while looking for gas after playing in Ohio and were presented with a gigantic freakin’ ball. We parked at the corners of Saturn and Apollo and investigated eagerly…

I’m not proud of the amount of fast food I consume. I’m trying to cut down. I’ve made a conscious effort to attempt to try to say no. However, when you’re in Ohio – you eat at Wendy’s. I assure you – you need to. It’s where Wendy Lives. Unfortunately, while eating the sacrament, some ketchup has gone horribly awry somewhere on my body, and about 10 seconds after everytime I think I’ve successfully wiped it away, I reencounter it somewhere else. I’ve managed to find crotchup, as well as belly ketchup and the ever-familiar moustache ketchup. My dome light doesn’t really work (it got ripped out during a frenetic load-out one night) the coraling of all this errant tomato-product has really been more of an adventure than it ought to be.

In any case, we ended up waiting a while to Have It My Way – because Heather ordered nuggets – and they were damned well worth the wait. But they always give you your drink while you’re waiting, but generally the straw comes with the meal. You can see the flaw of this, you can see where the story’s going… but wait! There is a TWIST!

You see – after Coffee Amici, I’d gotten a Lovely beverage + straw. I borrowed this straw to avoid having to wait on my Lovely Wendy’s beverage and went to town suckling upon the sweet nectar.

Fast-forward by about 15 minutes as we flash down I-75 (running from the police? different story) and Heather has consumed her nuggets and asks if she can have some of my water. I tell her “no” but she grabs it anyways and then discovers why I’d factually felt that at this moment she was probably incapable of retrieving water from my cup… it was a lot of fun to watch actually… in the light of the dashboard, Heather’s Lovely lips searching but never finding, moving thirstily, sexy-tapir-like, searching the air for the straw, destined to be disappointed.

We nearly die in a burning wreck we’re laughing so hard! (hee!)

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