September 18th, 2009.

It’s been a frustrating 48 hours, slowly restoring my laptop to operating order. It looks like I’ve got things back up and running the way it’s all supposed to be, but it’s been an obnoxious couple of days. Still – every time I do something like this, the faster it goes.

And so I’m sitting watching Buck Rogers on one screen and watching progress bars on the other. It’s slow and just a little bit agonizing – and not just because Buck is one of the cheesiest sci fi shows ever created.

Heather Lloyd getting some bird-Love from Maui at Sharif and Joanna’s engagement party. And glowing because of it!

I’m frankly exhausted. It’s been a busy weekend, and Sunday was an intense day at work. Friday night was a rare night off – much time was spent carousing… and also goofing off – but Saturday night was a Dogfish Head show – one of the later ones – and so we didn’t get home till close to 2am and Sunday’s a hard day at the store…

I’m of the fatigue. All the tired poisons are coursing through my body.

Tonight I’m going to poke at the website some. It seriously needs some redesigning action – and then also poke at the innards of a friend’s guitar. I’m going to experiment with putting a nice pickup in it. I’m pretty sure it won’t be too hard to accomplish, but I probably should only look at it tonight, as it’s something I probably shouldn’t attempt while I’m as tired as I am right now.

Amy’s been watching movies most of the evening, in between stirring her multiple pots of chili. The soups are exquisite but she’s watching a flick with alot of rape references that are making me really uncomfortable. I keep skittering back into my lair with naught but Buck for company.

Ron Goad, organizer of so many musical events in the Maryland / NOVA area – and fantastic percussionist as well – was showing Rick Udler around. The latter is a world-reknown (deservedly so) Brazilian guitarist of no mean skill! They spend 15 minutes testing shakers in the store, putting them back, debating. I think they each bought 3, none of which they agreed on.

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