November 12th, 2009.

I feel like I haven’t had any downtime in a long time. That’s not strictly true – I sat and watched some movies with Amy and Kristen last night, but it’s still social time – interaction time, and I frankly should’ve gone to bed hours before I did.

Kelly Zullo playing with us at the Columbus Bar in Columbus, IN.

And now here we are in Greensburg, PA. We got here about an hour early and the show’s going to be an easy set up because they’ve got a PA already pretty much set up. The kids are watching Pan’s Labyrinth in the next room, which means that the rest of the world’s occupied and somehow, sitting here on this college-dorm couch with nothing but distanct conversation and Heather’s gentle guitar washing over me, it’s the most relaxing moment I’ve had in a long time.

We’ll have to start sound checking in a couple of minutes, and that’s okay. It’s little moments like this that make the rest of them possible. Every once in a while you can hear someone say to someone else “what’re you doing at 9?” And they answer that they’re going to come see us – and the ensuing conversation of “haven’t you seen them? they were here last year! They were AWESOME!” makes me smile.

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