November 14th, 2009.

I’m sitting in a coffeeshop, waiting.  I spend a lot of time sitting and waiting in coffeeshops.  It’s an okay thing because I can get a LOT of work done while sitting and waiting in coffeeshops and often the distractions are welcome and sometimes arousing.  Not so today.

Wow.  Very very British people are talking about their children, Angus and Violet.  Angus and Violet are not paying any heed as Angus balances on top of the couch, pulling at the cord for the blinds.  Violet is spinning.

“Violet.  You can please stop spinning now.”

“No mummeee… I’m an aaaeroplane!”

It’s Blue’s birthday. And so she told us to be there and done took herself a woman.

You are in the Midwest, my friends, airplane has TWO SYLLABLES here!  I think you’re endangered by having adding syllables to the word. 

Another woman approaches them “oh, they’re SO beautiful – you just have the two?” (thick Texan drawl).  “Yup, we decided to stop at two.”  “Aw, I have seven.  Just can’t seem to stop!  The oldest is 20, the youngest if three.”  “Oh, we seem rather half-hearted now.  Perhaps you could get a television rather than making your own entertainment?”

Yup, sometimes the distractions are just… distracting.  Angus fell off the couch and is wailing and I turn up my headphones and drown in audio files.

Thursday we got back out on the road, riding hard out to the Pittsburgh area to do a college show for friends at Pittsburgh University of Greensburg.  We had a good crowd there, though it’s kind of weird to realize the kids were getting “credits” for seeing us.  Apparently in order to Live in the dorms there they have to accrue credits at cultural events.  The “fun ones” are half-credits (we were a half-credit) and the not-fun ones are more.  Across the hall some people were watching Pan’s Labyrinth, which had apparently been deemed not fun.


Last night it was back to the Columbus Bar for our friend Blue’s birthday.  She’d asked us to come back specifically and at first I was tentative because we’d JUST been there the month before, but I learned the hard way you just don’t say no to her.

We didn’t see all of our regular faces, but Robin of Segment of Society came down from Indianapolis and a couple of Heather’s friends from the local slam scene popped in and Kelly Zullo was in town and showed up.  We convinced Kelly to come up and play a couple of songs and I basked in her frightening proficiencies.

Exhausting but delicious.  And I’m not just talking about the chipotle-basted porkchops.

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