The first weekend in May is always the Sheep and Wool Festival. I hadn’t been able to go for a while but FORCED time into my schedule for it this year. Unfortunately, the temperature sky-rocketed into the 90s for the occassion and just about killed us. Still, as you can see, we were amongst my people. Sort of. Star Trek and Star Wars references combined? Really? Well – the point is that they’re TRYING!

This past weekend was brutal, but I Love brutal weekends, so Iā€™m not going to complain.  A frenzy of gigs that left us excitedly exhausted.  A very satisfying couple of days at workā€¦. Cause man, being a rock star is WORK.

I got a lot of dubious responses when it was revealed that ilyAIMY had 4 gigs over the course of about 26 hours.  Well, we survived it ā€“ and had a great time.  And we only had to lug gear for one of them, so I feel that it was pretty responsibly planned.  I bet there are people in my audience who go to work FIVE DAYS in a ROW!  That seems like far too great a concentration to me, absolutely absurd. 

SHEEEEEEP! I do Love my creepy devil sheep.

Well, I think the weekend wouldā€™ve been fine if it wasnā€™t for the fact that the Kramerbooks show went quite so late.  Till 2am when we had to be up at 9 the next day ā€“ and 2am turned into 3am what with parking and load-out and finding our way out of the city and all of that.  If it had been a higher energy show that wouldā€™ve been a lot better too, but the Kramerbooks show is all about being a background sound to book browsers.  Even after the manager told us to err on the side of loud and fierceā€¦. It quickly became apparent that we were a little TOO loud and fierce.  Sigh.  Weā€™re just so full of growl we donā€™t know what to do with ourselves. 

That night we crashed with singer / songwriter / physics magician Dan Zimmerman.  It was really good to see him ā€“ heā€™s been so buried in his PhD stuff (you know, spinning his balls and stuff) that we havenā€™t seen him in forever.  We got to talk to him sleepily before sleep ā€“ and sleepily post-sleep ā€“ by moonlight and mornlight. 

Spring is here! Now if only these guys ate spider crickets and recyclable plastics rather than ALL OF OUR TREES!

By 11am we were caffeinated and ready for rockin’ at the Bethesda Fine Arts Festival.

Much to our surprise the beautiful John McLaughlin, formerly of Tinsmith, turned out to be our soundman. Tall like you wouldn’t believe, sarcastic and a sight for sore eyes – it was great to show off some new tunes for him, and to introduce him to Kristen on cello.

From Bethesda, we packed our wind-swept selves into the Saturn and made our way to Greenbelt, MD where we played the Greenman Festival. It was MUCH better attended than it had been in previous years, absolutely packed with singers and dancers and booths and shoppers. I wandered around admiring my surroundings, welcoming the down-time before we hit the stage, but noting that every moment brought on a strong allergic reaction to the world….

See the ampersands? ilyAIMY’s playing up there. You can see my head. I hear we were audible. It was a very strange space to be, very unique. Great bookstore though – ilyAIMY playing at Kramerbooks and Afterwords Cafe in Washington, DC.

Greenbelt has a special brand of pollen – a man-killin’ kind! And even though we’d been fine with our first outdoor show, Greenbelt just about killed us. It wasn’t the vicious solidity of last year’s pollen assault, but it still hit Heather and I pretty hard. We played for an hour or so, enjoyed our sound guy THERE (Jeff) and Love the fact that we affect him so.

From there it was out to Gaithersburg for a not-quite-full band show at Dogfish Head – an absolutely exhausting but exquisite day. Driving home I was kind of fired up while at the same time slightly light-headed from fatigue. My personal rob-high.

Jaime Pajaro performing at my Java Mammas open mic in Reisterstown, MD. This was actually a really killer show and he was joined by the beatboxing NOMAD. A surprisingly delicious combination

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