INXS, wailing saxophone, I-95, wailing sirens, moving on down the road and leaving the world behind. Ish. Not really. The world’s online and follows us 24 / 7.
I’ve been in a bad place recently, and a lot of it is online negativity, online stress. The feeling that everyone’s just waiting for an opportunity to cut you down, break you, feed you a little bit of hate. Raising your head draws fire no matter who you are, and ducking to that is a dangerous precedent to set when your Life is based on making noise.
It’s verging on paranoia, so I’m trying to figure out what practical steps I can take to back slowly out of his angry little room I’ve found myself in. I don’t want to mirror all these people that clearly assume the worst – because that’s definitely what I’ve been doing recently. Just assuming the worst.
We’re just shy of our right turn inland on I-85 – and I’m eager for it. Cause everything gets better once you’re off I-95. 85’s no 70, but it’ll do for this trip.
INXS is a fond memory of the celebration of small noises. I think it was the first time I heard someone just go nuts over a breath. I remember Annie and Erin on our school bus playing “New Sensation” and getting to that one little gasp and just swooooning over it.
It’s a good memory.
We’ve just turned right into the setting sun, the playlist shifts to our friend Connor Garvey and the next stop is the Carolina line.