November 25th, 2019. I cried when Prime died.

Before heading home from our North Carolina run we hit up an open mic in Virginia, just to break up the drive. Here’s Bob, the host, checking the sound out at his open mic at Spirits in Falls Church, VA. We got a booking out of it. If we want it.

Emotions are real things. It doesn’t seem to matter where they come from, whether their source is fictional – the emotions themselves are just as potent. I guess it has to do with their chemical nature and our subjective perception, but it’s stunning how intensely my heartstrings can be pulled. By a song, by circumstance, or current events, or by a television show, by a book.

And of course, as always, it all gets amped up by lack of sleep and Life.

Last night it was Watchmen and the Magicians. In the past it’s been the death of Optimus Prime or Han Solo or Wash. Fictional characters that I’d shared mental space for years or in some cases decades or in the case of Han Solo almost literally my entire Life.
In that sense I guess it MAKES sense that sometimes I’m struck by these fictional characters’ deaths even more-so than that of real people sometimes.

Heather and Kristen and I meandered our way back from North Carolina via an open mic in Falls Church, VA and though all of our performances were great (and the shows were fantastic) there were an alarming number of highs and lows packed into what was effectively just a 96 hour tour.

Hours packed into a car, fantastic night, weird racist online interactions, incredible show, a friend’s father dies out of the blue while we’re staying with them, another incredible show, meeting up with an old wonderful friend that we haven’t seen in far too long, a misogynist comic and bad sound ruining what was supposed to be a well-deserved and relaxed dinner break.

You know, Life.

And then Sunday night we got home and finished out Season 4 of the Magicians and cried at the ending. Kristen doesn’t follow the show and it’s strange how bereft I felt when Heather went home and my wife simply had NO connection to the emotions I was feeling. Riled up by fiction, by people I’ll never know, but who I’ve spent more time with than some of our fans or my open mic regulars. On some level, our minds simply don’t know the difference. On some level, our minds think they’re real. And my heart STILL aches.

Season Five starts next year. I can’t fucking wait.

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