Well, this sucks. The bottom of our hot water heater rusted out this morning. Fortunately our land lord is ON it and we had a new water heater within 12 hours. UNfortunately I hear the new ones probably don’t last 20 years (and 6 months) generally but on the other hand… it’s not our problem generally. (**renters fistbump**)
It kind of rattled me and (back to UN)fortunately the repair guy could only come at around the same time the open mic was kicking off. (back to) fortunately Rowan’s a fully-trained Jedi and had no problem with or hesitation about jumping forward and being the host since… my headquarters, though not actually waterlogged (I discovered the chaos in the nick of time, right before water had reached my computer) WAS where everything had to get moved so that we had room to swap out the water heater.
Plus it was a hundred degrees today and the plumber didn’t have an assistant, so I masked up and helped him first wrestle the new one in and then wrassle the old one out up the back stairs. This… was NOT fun.
I HATE the fact that the worst part of the whole thing was worrying that the repair guy was gonna be pissed when I told him we were mask wearin’ folk – but he was relieved that I’D brought it up, so s’all good.