Angels never whisper when they’re drunk
And they’re never honest when they’re sober
They open up their heart when they are heartless
And hide behind the ramparts when they are sober
And those angels will refrain from noting beauty
And they will refrain from noting harm
I bet those angels remark upon my beauty
The moment I am gone.
So lean and whisper while I’m here
Right in my good ear
I’ll pretend that you’ll remember.
Angels never know what they’ve been saying
They have no memory or so I hear
Just wings and songs and jangling keys
To things and places that I’ll seem to always steer away from
Hunt myself something that I comprehend
Something that I can lay my fingers on please
Something solid and all-knowing
And something that I’m controlling not something that’s controlling me
So please be solid while you’re here
And touch away all my fears
I won’t have faith in anything
But I’ll pretend that you’ll remember
Lean closer
And leave it in my skin
Lean closer dear
And scream
Lea n closer dear
Find the soft spot here
Yeah, hurt me if you have to
Just know that I am here.
I’ve been accused of being many things
Of leaving naught but shadows in my stead
Angels are soldiers all their years
and sometimes I think that they forget
that their kiss can drink so deep when you are high
And be just a thimble when you’re sober.
So lean and whisper while you’re here
Right in my good ear
Just say that you’ll remember.
©2006 rob hinkal